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Dear readers,
From the team at Human Resources, we send you our best wishes for a happy and prosperous Deepavali!
Here are some interesting stories around diversity and celebrating multi-cultural workplaces:
1. Malaysia plans new rule to rid workplace discrimination against HIV-positive staff The ministry plans to conduct a holistic review on all its existing acts before coming out with a draft.
2. How period pain affects women in the workplace In Malaysia, 53% of survey respondents have cited their ability to concentrate at work as being hardest hit.
3. The business case for employer-supported childcare Did you know, absences due to sick leave can fall by 9% in the first nine months after a workplace crèche is opened?
4. Schneider Electric introduces new Global Family Leave policy As one of the policy's provisions, primary parents will get to benefit from 12 weeks of paid leave.
5. The 6-step guide for diversity & inclusion success at work Close to half of 2,167 organisations say D&I is the CEO's prerogative, while 31% believe the CHRO should take on this task.
6. Case study: How 3M is accelerating women in leadership Head of HR, 3M Singapore, reveals how the firm's initiatives helped it achieve 60% women in its local leadership team.
7. The sense and nonsense of language requirements In a bilingual and international city like Hong Kong, are strict language requirements for job applicants holding employers back?
8. Developing the next wave of female leaders If the CEO does not believe in the value of coaching and sponsoring women leaders, then nothing will change in your organisation.
9. Malaysia government to publish list of PLCs with no women directors On that note, PM Najib said that this is done to achieve the target of having 30% women directors in the private sector.
10. How to: Deal with different personalities at the workplace In this exclusive, 7 leaders share with us practical tips on speaking the same language as your diverse team members.
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