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A decent chunk of your employees are completely miserable in their jobs.
In a new report by Gallup, just one fifth of Malaysian workers are satisfied with their careers, while half claim to be "struggling" and 28% even saying they are "suffering".
These less-than-rosy figures were determined through five elements - purpose, social, financial, community and physical - to find out how much of Malaysia's workforce believe they are in a "thriving" environment.
The report classified "thriving" as those whose well-being is strong and consistent, "struggling" as those whose well-being is moderate or inconsistent, and "suffering" as those whose well-being is low and inconsistent.
However, despite these scary results, these figures still put Malaysia above the regional and global "thriving" average for 'purpose' well-being, at 13% and 18% respectively.
Financially, 28% of Malaysians surveyed said they were "thriving", while 55% said they were "struggling" and 17% identified as "suffering".
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"Malaysians are twice as likely to be thriving in four or more elements of well-being (12%) compared with Asians overall (6%)," the report said.
However, it noted there is still room for improvement: "Such gains are likely if the government continues its focus on favorable investment conditions and the broad-based development of human capital.
"In particular, efforts to improve access to education and promote job growth in new economic sectors may help Malaysian workers achieve higher levels of purpose and financial well-being."
The countries which thrived in relation to purpose well-being were Panama (66%), Costa Rica (50%) and El Salvador (49%).
On the other end of the spectrum, the countries which reported the lowest thriving scores, were Afghanistan (1%) and Syria (3%).
Image: Shutterstock
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