Talent & Tech Asia Summit 2025
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Does your company celebrate Employee Appreciation Day?

With Employee Appreciation Day (EAD) coming up this Friday (6 March 2020), it might be good to know that 44% of workers view it as “extremely or very important” to recognise EAD.

However, according to a survey by O.C. Tanner, only 8% knew when it was observed and only 10% said their current employer does anything to actually celebrate the day.

The survey further revealed that companies that celebrate EAD can see positive correlations in relation to employees and other workplace attitudes:

  • 84% of those who work at companies that celebrate EAD have a strong desire to be working for their current employer one year from now, as opposed to only 54% at companies that don’t celebrate EAD.
  • 83% of those who work at companies that celebrate EAD note that they often give recognition to their fellow employees when they do great work, as opposed to 73% at companies that don’t celebrate EAD.
  • 84% of workers at companies that celebrate EAD say that they regularly hear about the accomplishments of people within their organisation, as opposed to only 49% of those who work at companies that don’t celebrate EAD.
  • 77% of employees at companies that celebrate EAD feel that their leaders acknowledge the great work they do, as opposed to just 49% at companies that don’t celebrate EAD.
In line with this, Gary Beckstrand, Vice President at O.C. Tanner, suggested four easy and inexpensive ways to celebrate EAD:
  • Give employees the afternoon off, or let them pick a day in March to take off for a few hours.
  • Announce the ways you’ll show appreciation moving forward and on a regular basis. For example, thank-you cards, company events, free lunches, etc.
  • Schedule a day for team-bonding activities that focus on having fun with coworkers (and not on work).
  • Bring in homemade baked goods and set aside time for an employee 'happy hour' to socialise over food during the work day.
ALSO READ: Photo / iStock

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