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How to better manage workplace harassment in the age of social media
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How to better manage workplace harassment in the age of social media

Employees may resort to complaining online if they are afraid of the repercussions of reporting through the proper channels established in their organisation, Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices points out.

“People here are just like that.”

“Don’t make life difficult. If you can, just try to tolerate it.”

These were some responses that employees received when they reported workplace harassment incidents to their HR managers. Given such statements, it is not surprising when frustrated employees turn to social media to voice their grievances.

Social media, and the ability to be anonymous, offers employees an easy way to voice their distress when they perceive their organisation and HR department to be ineffective. As such, they may resort to complaining online if they are afraid of the repercussions of reporting through the proper channels established in their organisation.

If, and when, such posts go viral, they often have the potential to cause significant damage to organisations’ reputations. Organisations can pre-empt such situations by building up their capability to better manage workplace harassment.

Here are some areas employers can consider in creating a safer, more respectful and conducive work environment:

Establish an effective workplace harassment policy

Developing a proper workplace harassment policy is the first step to prevent workplace harassment.

Developing such a policy can be done in consultation with employees and the relevant union. The policy should cover a clear zero-tolerance position, a set of values to guide behaviours, case studies of harassment, the reporting and investigation procedures, and possible disciplinary action.

With remote and hybrid work arrangements being the norm, it is important to reflect virtual conduct that may constitute harassment in the policy.

Organisations should also consider crafting a social media policy to provide clear guidelines on responsible social media use, informing employees that they could be held liable for any online misconduct.

Raise awareness of appropriate workplace behaviours and build confidence in seeking help from management

An effective workplace harassment policy means nothing if employees are unaware or do not fully understand the intent of it. The policy could be uploaded on the intranet or included in the employee handbook so that it is visible and easily accessible by employees of all levels. Hiring managers should also raise awareness on what behaviours could be considered inappropriate and the avenues for recourse, including remedies under the Protection from Harassment Act, by communicating with employees periodically through emails, town hall meetings or even incorporating workplace harassment training as part of the onboarding programmes for new hires.

More importantly, organisations should provide the assurance on non-retaliation and that there is sufficient confidentiality so affected individuals and whistle-blowers are confident to seek help from management, rather than opting for the anonymity offered online.

Organisations must be adequately trained to enforce the policy

Employees’ confidence in reporting harassment incidents also depends on how organisations handle the complaints. Brushing complaints aside or applying the workplace harassment policy inconsistently dampens their confidence that such incidents will be treated seriously.

Hiring managers can consider signing up for courses on managing workplace harassment to build their knowledge of risk factors that may result in harassment, recognise potential signs of harassment, develop a grievance handling procedure, and investigate and manage cases effectively.

Employers are responsible for providing employees with a safe and healthy workplace that is free from harassment. Employees who feel safe and valued in their workplace are far more likely to be productive, creative and loyal to the organisation. Employers are encouraged to refer to the Tripartite Advisory on Managing Workplace Harassment for more guidance on preventive measures to ensure a safe and conducive workplace.

TAFEP provides information and resources to help employers and HR professionals keep abreast of HR best practices. Visit tafep.sg to find out more.

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