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The vast majority of employees (80%) and employers (70%) cite healthcare coverage as the most important benefit offered by their organisation — and the one most in need of change. Here are eight more things to know.
According to the Marathon Health survey, which spoke more than 1,100 full-time employees and 430 HR decision-makers across the US to examine attitudes towards healthcare and healthcare benefits, there are at least nine key things that employees want their employers to know about healthcare benefits provided.
Responses from full-time employees were balanced by age, gender and location based on the U.S. Census to ensure an accurate representation of the American working population.
Here are the most relevant findings.
1. While most survey respondents believe healthcare is the most crucial benefit, employees (35%) and employers (31%) also believe it is the benefit that needs the most improvement. Employees saw healthcare benefits needing the most improvement ahead of financial bonuses (18%) and 401K/retirement benefits (15%). Meanwhile, 17% of employers believe flexible work benefits need the next most improvement, followed by 401K/retirement benefits (15%).
2. Over 63% of employers say the pandemic has caused them to re-assess their healthcare offerings (69% among organisations with 5,000+ employees).
3. Cost is the biggest challenge for both employees and employers – and cost is outpacing quality of care.
4. Post-COVID, mental health is a top priority in the workplace.
5. People are getting back on track with basic healthcare (which was deferred during the pandemic), but the majority still want help with preventative care.
6. Yet there is a disconnect between what employers think their company health plan delivers and what employees actually experience.
7. Both employers and employees did express interest in more immediate and direct healthcare solutions made available through employers.
8. Employees want a stronger relationship and more time with their doctor, and are increasingly open to hybrid solutions for building those relationships.
ALSO READ: Hong Kong healthcare costs tipped to rise by 6.7% in 2021
All Images / Marathon Health
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