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Average annual salaries of Hong Kong graduates (by university and broad academic programme category)

Average annual salaries of Hong Kong graduates (by university and broad academic programme category)


Among eight UGC-funded universities in the city, graduates from the University of Hong Kong earned the most on average in the academic year 2022-23.

According to the data released by the University Grants Committee (UGC), Hong Kong graduates from eight UGC-funded universities earned HK$314,000 annually on average in the academic year 2022-23.

Among them, graduates from the University of Hong Kong earned the most, with an average annual salary of HK$385,000.

2022/23 average annual salaries of graduates of full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes by university:

University of Hong Kong
HK$385,000 (HK$32,083 each month)
Chinese University of Hong Kong
HK$376,000 (HK$31,333 each month)
Education University of Hong Kong
HK$363,000 (HK$30,250 each month)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
HK$320,000 (HK$26,667 each month)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
HK$293,000 (HK$24,417 each month)
City University of Hong Kong
HK$269,000 (HK$22,417 each month)
Hong Kong Baptist University
HK$259,000 (HK$21,583 each month)
Lingnan University
HK$238,000 (HK$19,833 each month)

Analysed by broad academic programme category, graduates of full-time undergraduate programmes of Medicine, Dentistry and Health topped the list by earning HK$506,000 annually on average.

2022/23 average annual salaries of graduates by undergraduate and sub-degree programmes by broad academic programme category:


Medicine, Dentistry and Health
HK$506,000 (HK$42,167 each month)
HK$290,000 (HK$24,167 each month)
Engineering and Technology
HK$283,000 (HK$23,583 each month)
Business and management
HK$295,000 (HK$24,583 each month)
Social Sciences
HK$275,000 (HK$22,917 each month)
Arts and Humanities
HK$269,000 (HK$22,417 each month)
HK$375,000 (HK$31,250 each month)


Medicine, Dentistry and Health

HK$183,000 (HK$15,250 each month)
Engineering and Technology
HK$222,000 (HK$18,500 each month)
Business and management

Social Sciences
HK$235,000 (HK$19,583 each month)
Arts and Humanities
HK$235,000 (HK$19,583 each month)
HK$235,000 (HK$19,583 each month)

ALSO READ: Hong Kong’s average pay rise stays at 4% as companies lower salary budgets

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