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As shared by HR Minister V. Sivakumar, the scheme has seen as many as 1,092 contributors register as of one week after its launch.
Following the launch of Malaysia's Housewives’ Social Security Scheme (SKSSR) on 1 December 2022, Human Resource Minister YB Tuan Sivakumar Varatharaju Naidu has provided further updates at a media conference.
Regulated by the Social Security Organisation (PERKESO, also known as SOCSO), the SKSSR comes under the Housewives’ Social Security Act 2022 and provides social security protection for housewives. As shared by Minister Sivakumar, the scheme has seen as many as 1,092 contributors register as of one week after its launch.
Full clarification on the SKSSR is as follows:
- Malaysian citizen / permanent resident,
- Female,
- Housewives below the age of 55,
- Advance payment of contributions (see below).
Under the scheme, a housewife is defined as "a woman whether married or unmarried, who manages the household on a full-time or part-time basis, including a wife, mother, divorcee, widow or a single mother".
A contribution of RM120 for a period of 12 consecutive months must be paid in advance. Contributions can be made by the husband, housewife, family or any third party for the housewife.
- SKSSR provides protection to housewives against domestic accidents or other incidents in the course of performing their household duties and affairs.
- SKSSR protects housewives who are afflicted with illness or invalidity.
Photo / PERKESO Facebook
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