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CEOs and high level executives know how much reputation matters, so we wonder what they would each think of this list?
Compiled by Reputation Management Consultants – which monitors the reputations of CEOs and prominent business leaders via a complex algorithm based on survey results, searches, traffic and social listening – has come up with the winners and losers of the name game.
Perhaps those CEOs in the bottom 10 list should read this article on the best ways to build your personal brand?
Top 10 CEOs with the best reputations
1. Tony Hsieh (Zappos)2. Richard Branson (Virgin)3. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)4. Marc Benioff (Salesforce)5. Mary Barra (GM)6. Larry Page (Google)7. Russel Simmons (Defjam)8. Tim Cook (Apple)9. Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post)10. Elon Musk (SpaceX, Tesla Motors)
Top 10 CEOs with the worst reputations
1. Donald Trump2. Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase)3. Martha Stewart4. Marissa Mayer (Yahoo!)5. Ronald Johnson (JC Penney)6. Steve Ballmer (Microsoft)7. Mike Duke (Wal-Mart)8. Dan Cathy (Chick Fil-A)9. Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs)10. Brian Harrison (Solyndra)
Image: Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos. Image from Wikipedia.Â
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