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Median monthly wage of Hong Kong employees rose 3.5% to HK$19,800 in 2023

Median monthly wage of Hong Kong employees rose 3.5% to HK$19,800 in 2023


Those in education and public administration (excluding the Government) earned the highest at HK$31,800.

According to the statistics by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), the median monthly wage of employees in Hong Kong in May – June 2023 was HK$19,800, while the median hourly wage was HK$80.1, both was 3.5% higher than the corresponding figures in May – June 2022 respectively (HK$19,100 and HK$77.4).

Analysed by industry section, the median monthly wage and the median hourly wage of employees in the education and public administration (excluding the Government) industry was the highest (HK$31,800 and HK$140.8 respectively), 2.5% and 3.1% higher than the figures in 2022. This was followed by employees in the financing and insurance industry, where the median monthly wage and the median hourly wage of employees were HK$31,600 and HK$120.1, 3.6% and 3.7% higher than the median in May – June 2022 respectively.

Median Monthly Wage And Median Hourly Wage of Employees Analysed by Industry Section, May – June 2023

By industry section
Median monthly wage
Median hourly wage
18,900 (+3.6%)
77.4 (+3.8%)
Electricity and gas supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
29,800 (+2.8%)
116.7 (+3.7%)
24,600 (+3.0%)
106.9 (+3.3%)
Import and export trade
19,900 (+2.5%)
84.2 (+1.7%)
16,300 (+2.5%)
69.4 (+2.5%)
Retail trade
14,100 (+2.5%)
57.1 (+3.9%)
Land transport
20,600 (+4.1%)
84.4 (+4.0%)
Other transportation, storage, postal and courier services
19,400 (+3.9%)
71.4 (+3.0%)
Food and beverage services
14,700 (+5.0%)
57.6 (+4.7%)
Accommodation services
17,100 (+4.2%)
62.0 (+3.4%)
Information and communications
26,000 (+3.6%)
100.8 (+2.2%)
Financing and insurance
31,600 (+3.6%)
120.1 (+3.7%)
Real estate activities
23,500 (+3.1%)
95.8 (+3.5%)
Estate management, security and cleaning services
14,200 (+5.0%)
51.0 (+4.7%)
Professional, scientific and technical activities
26,700 (+2.7%)
104.8 (+2.1%)
Administrative and support services activities
18,700 (+3.9%)
76.7 (+4.5%)
Travel agency, reservation service and related activities
15,500 (+3.2%)
68.2 (+3.1%)
Education and public administration (excluding the Government)
31,800 (+2.5%)
140.8 (+3.1%)
Human health activities; and beauty and body prettifying treatment
20,700 (+3.4%)
96.7 (+3.1%)
Miscellaneous activities
14,700 (+5.5%)
55.9 (+3.5%)
Other activities not classified above
18,100 (+4.0%)
76.1 (+4.1%)

Analysed by sex, the median monthly wages of male and female employees was HK$22,500 and HK$17,500, 4.2% and 3.3% higher than the corresponding figures in 2022 respectively. The median hourly wage of male employees was HK$89.6 while that of female employees was HK$70.7.

Among all age groups, the median monthly wage and the median hourly wage of employees at age 35 – 44 was the highest (HK$23,500 /HK$94.0), followed by employees at age 25 – 34 (HK$21,200/HK$82.4) and at age 45 – 54 (HK$20,000/HK$82.0).

Image / Hong Kong's Census and Statistics Department (C&SD)

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