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Dear Reader,
Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) have grown as a hot topic among employers and employees in Singapore in the past decade. A Tripartite Standard was launched back in 2017, employees have expressed that it should be a norm post-pandemic, employers are walking the talk on it, and by 2024, Singapore will introduce Tripartite Guidelines on FWAs to require employers to consider FWA requests fairly and properly.
With this in mind, we at HRO, in collaboration with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) would love to hear more about how you are approaching FWAs in your organisation. We invite you to fill in this survey form - it'll take no more than four minutes!
We look forward to hearing from you, and we thank you for your continuous support and feedback.
Please do share this page with your HR peers and fellow leaders as well.
Thank you!
Best wishes,
The teams at HRO and TAFEP
Lead image / Shutterstock
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