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From adjusting working hours to giving them privacy during prayer times, HRO shares simple ways to make this spiritual season a little smoother for fasting employees.
With Ramadan 2025 approaching in a few days, the season of fasting would bring about some changes in the daily lives of our Muslim colleagues as they are required to refrain from eating between certain hours of the day and conduct prayers to break their fast. As such, their physical and mental energy may be impacted during this period given the change in their routines.
Workplaces can consider various approaches to support their employees practicing the fasting ritual this month. From adjusting working hours to giving them privacy during prayer times, here are some simple ways to make this spiritual season a little smoother for Muslims who are observing this.
Create a comfortable and respectful workspace
Apart from fasting, Ramadan is a season of spiritual cleansing for Muslims. This means that they should avoid partaking in conversations of a negative nature such as office gossip and watch out for temptations.
As such, it is recommended to fill the space among our fasting friends with positive energy, giving words of encouragement or asking about the tradition, if you are unsure. Engaging in enriching conversations such as allowing practicing Muslims to share more about what Ramadan is all about will enable others to have a better understanding of the different religions and their practices too.
Allocating time and space for prayer breaks
Sticking to the topic of cleansing, this period is also a time to cleanse their soul through prayer. Muslims are required to pray five times throughout the day, facing the Kaaba (a wall niche) which is situated in Saudi Arabia. This specific direction is also known as Qibla and the prayer positions vary based on where the individual is located.
To make spiritual rituals more accessible, workspaces may set up designated private areas for Muslim employees to pray. A conducive space like this may help those who will be fasting to also find a place to stay away from any distractions that may hinder their fast.
Communicate and adjust working hours
Those who are practicing their fast during this period are also required to follow strict timings to break their fast which is before sunrise and after sunset. As a result, working hours may be affected for some and leaders should communicate with them to adjust the start and end of the working times to ensure fasting employees have ample time to break their fast, especially if they are required to travel to and from the office.
Regular check-ins on workload management
In line with the adjustments made to their working hours, be mindful of the workload given to workers who are practicing, in case they have asked for any special considerations. It is recommended to conduct more regular wellness check-ins with fasting employees as they are expected to experience more fatigue than usual. Giving them time to voice out their challenges will enable a more inclusive space for fasting employees as they will feel understood.
Last but not least, offices may wish to conduct small get-togethers to break fast alongside with their fellow Muslim colleagues in the office as another way to show their support. Forging bonds through cultural moments like this will not only allow a time for everyone to understand the practices of different religions but also make the office an enjoyable place to work in during Ramadan.
ALSO READ: The "Ramadan effect" on the workplace
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