TAFEP Hero 2024 Sep
Hong Kong civil servants across all salary bands will receive the same pay rise of 3%, effective retrospectively from 1 April

Hong Kong civil servants across all salary bands will receive the same pay rise of 3%, effective retrospectively from 1 April


All relevant factors have been considered by the CE-in-Council before making the decision, Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung said.

Hong Kong's Executive Council has approved a proposal to give civil servants, including staff in the upper, middle and lower salary bands and the directorate, a pay rise at the same rate of 3% this year, with retrospective effect from 1 April 2024.

The 3% pay rise is lower than the net pay trend indicators for the upper, middle and lower salary bands submitted by the secretariat of the Pay Trend Survey Committee (PTSC) earlier, which are at 4.01%, 4.32% and 5.47% respectively.

Ingrid Yeung (pictured), Secretary for the Civil Service, said at a media session yesterday (4 June 2024) that the Hong Kong economy came out of the pandemic with strength last year, with an overall upward pay trend in the private sector.

While the economy is projected to grow further this year, there was and will be a fiscal deficit. The Government must adhere to the principles of exercising fiscal prudence. She said the Chief Executive-in-Council (CE-in-Council) has taken into account all relevant factors to make the decision on the civil service pay adjustment.

She continued that the Government will submit the pay adjustment proposal to the Legislative Council Finance Committee for consideration as soon as possible after the CE-in-Council considers the response from the staff side of the four civil service central consultative councils.

Image / news.gov.hk

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