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The median monthly income difference between male and female employees was as significant as HK$5,300.
Hong Kong’s Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) has released the results of the 2024 Annual Earnings and Hours Survey. The data revealed that the median monthly wage of employees in Hong Kong in May–June 2024 was HK$20,500, marking a 3.6% increase from HK$19,800 in the same period of 2023.
In terms of hourly wages, the overall median hourly wage of Hong Kong employees during that period was HK$82.9, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 3.5%.
Percentile |
Monthly wage (HK$) |
Hourly wage (HK$) |
5th |
/ |
46.1 (+3.9%) |
10th |
10,700 (+3.1%) |
49.3 (+3.5%) |
25th |
14,800 (+3.6%) |
59.2 (+3.7%) |
50th (median) |
20,500 (+3.6%) |
82.9 (+3.5%) |
75th |
32,000 (+2.8%) |
131.5 (+3.0%) |
90th |
50,000 (+3.1%) |
209.3 (+2.5%) |
Monthly wage figures are rounded to the nearest hundred of Hong Kong dollar.
Hourly wage figures are rounded to the nearest ten cents of Hong Kong dollar.
Figures in brackets represent percentage changes over May – June 2023, which are derived from unrounded figures.
Gender income disparity
Segmented by gender, the median monthly income difference between male and female employees was as significant as HK$5,300. Male employees earned a median monthly wage of HK$23,400, while female employees earned HK$18,100. Both saw an increase of 4.0% and 3.6% respectively compared to the corresponding figures in May–June 2023.
Median monthly wage (HK$) |
Median hourly wage (HK$) |
Male employees |
23,400 (+4.0%) |
93.3 (+4.1%) |
Female employees |
18,100 (+3.6%) |
73.2 (+3.5%) |
Occupational and industry insights
The increments in median monthly and hourly wages across different occupational groups were relatively close, ranging from 3.0% to 3.9%. Among these groups, managers, professionals and associate professionals earned the highest median hourly wage of HK$122.4.
Median monthly wage (HK$) |
Median hourly wage (HK$) |
Elementary occupations |
14,300 (+3.7%) |
58.6 (+3.9%) |
Service and sales workers |
15,300 (+3.9%) |
58.4 (+3.8%) |
Craft and related workers, plant and machine operators and assemblers |
24,000 (+3.5%) |
99.7 (+3.0%) |
Clerical support workers |
16,800 (+3.9%) |
70.3 (+3.4%) |
Managers, professionals and associate professionals |
31,600 (+3.2%) |
122.4 (+3.1%) |
By industry, the sectors with the highest median monthly wage were financing and insurance, as well as education and public administration (excluding the Government), both at HK$32,800. These were followed by electricity and gas supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at HK$31,000.
The largest median monthly wage increases have been observed in industries including other transportation, storage, postal and courier services (+7.2%); accommodation services (+5.6%); and wholesale (+5.2%).
When evaluating by hourly wage, the highest median rates were also found in education and public administration (excluding the Government) at HK$146.2; financing and insurance at HK$124.6; and electricity and gas supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at HK$122.2.
Median monthly wage (HK$) |
Median hourly wage (HK$) |
Manufacturing(1) |
19,600 (+3.9%) |
80.6 (+4.2%) |
Electricity and gas supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities |
31,000 (+4.0%) |
122.2 (+4.8%) |
Construction |
25,700 (+4.3%) |
110.7 (+3.6%) |
Import and export trade |
20,800 (+4.4%) |
87.4 (+3.9%) |
Wholesale |
17,200 (+5.2%) |
72.8 (+4.8%) |
Retail trade |
14,500 (+2.8%) |
59.1 (+3.5%) |
Land transport |
21,300 (+3.5%) |
87.5 (+3.6%) |
Other transportation, storage, postal and courier services(2) |
20,800 (+7.2%) |
74.9 (+4.9%) |
Food and beverage services |
15,300 (+3.8%) |
60.0 (+4.2%) |
Accommodation services |
18,000 (+5.6%) |
64.2 (+3.6%) |
Information and communications |
27,300 (+5.0%) |
105.6 (+4.7%) |
Financing and insurance |
32,800 (+3.7% |
124.6 (+3.7%) |
Real estate activities(3) |
24,200 (+3.1%) |
98.4 (+2.7%) |
Estate management, security and cleaning services |
14,700 (+3.8%) |
53.0 (+3.9%) |
Professional, scientific and technical activities |
27,900 (+4.5%) |
107.6 (+2.7%) |
Administrative and support services activities |
19,600 (+4.8%) |
79.7 (+4.0%) |
Travel agency, reservation service and related activities |
16,200 (+4.3%) |
71.1 (+4.2%) |
Education and public administration (excluding the Government) |
32,800 (+3.2%) |
146.2 (+3.8%) |
Human health activities; and beauty and body prettifying treatment |
21,500 (+4.0%) |
99.1 (+2.5%) |
Miscellaneous activities(4) |
15,100 (+2.9%) |
57.9 (+3.5%) |
Other activities not classified above |
18,900 (+4.2%) |
79.3 (+4.3%) |
Monthly wage figures are rounded to the nearest hundred of Hong Kong dollar.
Hourly wage figures are rounded to the nearest ten cents of Hong Kong dollar.
Figures in brackets represent percentage changes over May – June 2023, which are derived from unrounded figures.
(1) Excluding food processing and production.
(2) Excluding local courier services.
(3) Excluding real estate maintenance management.
(4) Including (i) elderly homes; (ii) laundry and dry cleaning services; (iii) hairdressing and other personal services; (iv) local courier services; and (v) food processing and production.
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