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This follows the earlier announcement that eligible employers in the service sub-sectors of barbers, hairdressers, textile workers and goldsmiths, can now hire up to 7,500 foreign workers.
Malaysia's Ministry of Human Resources has clarified the process of applying for the employment of foreign workers for the service sub-sector of barbers, hairdressers, textile workers, and goldsmiths.
This follows the earlier announcement that eligible employers in the three services sub-sectors in Malaysia can now hire foreign workers, with an initial quota of 7,500.
The eights steps of applying for employment is as follows:
- The employer registers a User ID and submits an application through the FWCMS System (FWe Approval module).
- Investigation of applications and recommendations at Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM).
- The employer will receive a 'Notification of Approval of Employment of Foreign Workers' under section 60k of the Employment Act 1955, through the FWCMS System.
- The employer is to submit quota applications through the FWCMS System (eQuota module).
- The employer will be given a date to attend the interview at OSC, KSIM.
- A quota approval slip will be submitted to the employer through the FWCMS System.
- The employer is to pay the levy to the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM) within 30 days from the date of receiving the quota approval slip.
- A Conditional Approval Letter (SKB) is given to the employer through the FWCMS System.
Lead image / Ministry of Human Resources
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