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Latest April 2021 SOPs for Malaysia's CMCO and RMCO in designated states

Latest April 2021 SOPs for Malaysia's CMCO and RMCO in designated states

New updates in these SOPs include information on attendance capacity at workplaces, Ramadan and Aidilfitri bazaar operating hours, safe distancing protocols, and more.

Malaysia's extended Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO/PKPB) and Recovery MCO (RMCO/PKPP) in designated states take effect today, for the next two weeks (1-14 April 2021).

In line with this, the National Security Council (MKN) has released an updated set of SOPs that need to be followed in this period. New updates in these SOPs include information on attendance capacity at workplaces, Ramadan and Aidilfitri bazaar operating hours, safe distancing protocols, and more.

Read the excerpts below.


Applicable to:

  • Johor, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Sarawak and Selangor
  • Seremban district in Negeri Sembilan, and Kuala Muda district in Kedah

*The CMCO in Sarawak is effective 30 March - 12 April 2021.

Guidelines for employees, MICE-related activities, meetings and seminars

Employee movement: Movement out of/into PKPB/CMCO areas, MCO/PKP, Recovery MCO (RMCO/PKPP) areas is allowed for employment. The movement of employees is subject to the employer's confirmation letter/employee pass or operating approval letter/business licence from the local authority (for the self employed).

While this is so, movement to Enhanced MCO/PKPD areas is not allowed.

The attendance capacity of employees in the public service is based on the Circular/Instruction of the Public Service Department (JPA); for the private sector, the attendance capacity now stands at 100% for management and operations/support groups.

Vehicles carrying employees, including private vehicles, are allowed to operate in compliance with SOPs.

MICE-related activities: Business events related to meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions are allowed to operate at 50% of the capacity of the premises, by complying with physical distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, and based on the PKPB MICE SOP.

Meetings: Face-to-face meetings for official business/work held in offices, hotels and other institutions are permitted in compliance with physical distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks and only 50% of meeting room capacity.

Meetings are encouraged to be held via video conferencing.

Seminars: All seminars/conferences/workshops/courses/trainings/talks/exhibitions are allowed to operate at 50% of the capacity of the premises by complying with physical distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, and based on the General SOP of the Implementation of Official Government and Private Councils. 

Movement within/across districts and states

Movement within the PKPB/CMCO area is permitted. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor are considered one zone, thus cross-movement is allowed. However, movement to other PKPB/CMCO areas, MCO/PKP, RMCO/PKPP and EMCO/PKPD areas is not permitted, except with PDRM's permission.

The number of passengers allowed in a private vehicle is according to the capacity of the vehicle, but high-risk individuals and children are discouraged from going out into public, open and crowded areas.

  • The number of persons allowed in vehicles carrying necessary goods and services as well as the chain of economic/industrial activities depends on the commercial vehicle registration licence.
  • The movement of private vehicles, Government departments or private companies for the purpose of going to and from work or carrying out official Government business depends on the seating capacity of the vehicle.

Activities and services at all airports and ports are allowed to operate. Public transport services such as stop buses, express buses, LRT/ MRT/ ERL/ Monorails, ferries, planes, taxis/e-hailing and other public transport services are allowed to operate (operating hours according to licence conditions), based on vehicle capacity.

Food delivery services are also allowed to operate, from 6am to midnight.

Lastly, cross-state permits are allowed for long distance married couples, after obtaining PDRM's permission. 

Activities allowed within the CMCO/PKPB area

Businesses, the economy and industry are allowed to operate as determined by the Government.

  • Government-run and private clinics and hospitals can operate for 24 hours, or according to the time determined by the Government. Meanwhile, pharmacies and shops that dispense medication can operate from 8am to midnight.

  • Supermarkets, shopping malls and retail stores are allowed to operate in accordance with the SOPs, between 6.00am to midnight.

  • Restaurants, shops/food stalls, food trucks, roadside hawkers, street hawkers, food courts/hawker centres, roadside food stalls/kiosks, grocery stores and convenience stores are also allowed to operate between 6.00 am to midnight, in compliance with the food sector's SOPs.

  • Restaurants and eateries are allowed to operate on a dine-in basis (with one-metre distance between customers, according to table size), takeaway, delivery or drive-throughs in compliance with the food sector's SOPs. Hours of operation will be from 6.00am to midnight (subject to licence conditions). 

  • The operation of daily markets, wholesale markets, farmers; markets, night markets, and late night bazaars (uptown, downtown and the likes) will be according to the start time of operation according to the licence/permit until midnight. This will have to be in compliance with SOPs, supervision of the authorities, and RELA/PBT members.

  • Ramadan bazaars are allowed to operate between 3.00pm to 8.00pm, in compliance with SOPs, and supervision of the authorities and RELA/PBT members. Aidilfitri bazaars are also allowed to operate between 10.00am to midnight, in compliance with the Ramadan Bazaar and Aidilfitri Bazaar SOP.
  • The pumping operation hours at petrol stations will be between 6am and midnight (unless petrol stations on highways are allowed to operate 24 hours).

  • Laundry operations are permitted from 6:00am to midnight.

  • SPAs, reflexology, massage, and wellness activities including pedicure and manicure services are allowed, also from 6.00 am to midnight or according to the conditions of the local authority, whichever is earlier.

  • Likewise, the operation of other businesses for permitted daily needs will be allowed from 6.00am to midnight (subject to license conditions).

Safe-distancing measures and protocol

Licensees and premise owners must ensure control of customers' entry and exit to the premises with a physical distance of one metre.

Hand sanitisers must be provided at the entrance and used before entering.

Licensees and premise owners are required to provide the MySejahtera QR code facility and provide a customer attendance registration book. The use of the MySejahtera application is mandatory in areas with wide internet access. Exceptions are given for areas that do not have internet access, especially in rural and remote areas.

Licensees and premise owners must also ensure that customers check in using MySejahtera, or manually if is no internet coverage.

For shopping complexes/supermarkets/department stores, customers only need to perform a body temperature scan once at the entrance of the complex and not at every business premise under one complex. Customers with body temperatures above 37.5 degrees Celsius should not be allowed to enter the complex and premises.

Owners of complexes and premises outside the complex must ensure that only customers with the "Low Risk" status in MySejahtera, are allowed to enter their respective complexes/premises. 

Apart from the above, the SOPs also state the following:

  • Licensees and premises owners should limit the number of customers on the premises with a physical distance of one metre at a time, and display the maximum number of customers who are on the premises.
  • Employees, suppliers and customers are required to wear face masks properly in accordance with MOH recommendations while on the premises.
  • Ensure good ventilation and ventilation systems in the premises.
  • It is compulsory to wear a face mask especially when in crowded public places, except for the following activities and places:
    • One's own residence, alone and with household members;
    • Hotel rooms/paid accommodation, alone and involving members of the same household
    • Solitary work spaces;
    • Indoor and outdoor sports and recreational activities;
    • One's own vehicles, alone and with household members;
    • Indoor/outdoor public areas and places without other individuals; and
    • While eating and drinking in a public place without any other individuals.

Read the full set of CMCO SOPs here.


Applicable to: Kedah (except Kuala Muda), Labuan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan (except Seremban), Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Putrajaya, Sabah (except Keningau) and Terengganu

* For Sabah, refer to the state-specific SOPs here.

Guidelines for employees, MICE-related activities, meetings and the creative industry

Employee movement: Movement in/out of RMCO/PKPP areas to MCO/PKP and CMCO/PKPB areas is allowed, subject to the employer's confirmation letter/employee pass, or operating approval letter/business license from the local authority (for the self-employed).

However, movement in/out of PKPP areas to EMCO/PKPD areas is not allowed.

MICE-related activities: Seminars/workshops/courses/trainings/conferences/talks/meetings/trade fairs and related activities, as well as Meetings, Incentives, Conventions And Exhibitions (MICE) are allowed to operate according to the size of the premises. 

Physical distancing, mandatory wearing of face masks, and compliance with the relevant MICE SOPs are required.

The admission of business travellers for business affairs/events, from countries authorised by the Government, must adopt the existing MIDA One-Stop Center platform by complying with the entry requirements set by the Government.

Meetings: Face-to-face meetings of Government and private agencies in offices, hotels, convention centres and more are allowed, with physical distancing and wearing of face masks.

Creative industry: Sectors and activities in the creative industry are allowed to operate, in compliance with the industry SOPs. All types of events/shows/live performances covering official Government programmes/music arts/dance arts/theatre arts/musical arts/comedy/cultural and heritage performances/livestreaming are allowed, with an audience according to the size of the premises, and in compliance with physical distancing measures.

Live events are allowed at locations and event spaces such as convention centres, exhibition galleries, trade centres, art premises and other MICE premises, including multi-purpose halls, community halls, places of worship and other related locations.

Performances in hotel lounges are permitted, with an audience size according to the size of the premises, in compliance with physical distancing measures.

Total management, artists and crew can operate at the normal capacity.

Other permitted activities in this industry:

  • Creative content development activities including music production, animation and filming of films, dramas, documentaries and television programmes made inside and outside the studio.
  • 'Busking' activities in building premises such as cafeterias, food courts, eateries and shopping malls.
  • Cinema and drive-in cinema activities. 

Movement within/across districts and states

Movement within the RMCO/PKPP area is permitted. However, movement to other RMCO/PKPP areas, MCO/PKP, CMCO/PKPB and EMCO/PKPD areas is not allowed, except with the Royal Malaysia Police's (PDRM) permission.

The number of passengers allowed in a private vehicle is according to the capacity of the vehicle, but high-risk individuals and children are discouraged from going out into public, open and crowded areas.

The number of persons allowed in vehicles carrying necessary goods and services, as well as the chain of economic/industrial activities, depends on the commercial vehicle registration licence.

The movement of private vehicles, Government departments or private companies for the purpose of going to and from work or carrying out official Government business depends on the seating capacity of the vehicle.

Activities and services at all airports and ports are allowed. Similarly, public transport services such as stop buses, express buses, LRT/ MRT/ ERL/monorails, ferries, planes, taxis/e-hailing services and other public transport services are allowed to operate (according to license conditions), based on vehicle capacity.

Cross-state permits are allowed for long-distance married couples, with the permission of PDRM.

Bubbles: Cross-state tourism bubble activities between RMCO/PKPP states to other RMCO/PKPP states are allowed, with travel packages purchased through travel companies that are legally licensed and registered with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC). This does not apply to the state of Sabah.

However, private movement is not permitted - instead, tourist movement must only be done using tourist vehicles registered with MOTAC. Travel agencies would need to obtain permission from the PDRM for cross-state movement.

Travel must be carried out directly to a RMCO/PKPP state and there should be no stopping in any CMCO/PKPB state.

Movement from CMCO/PKPB states to RMCO/PKPP states is not allowed.

Movement control in Sabah: Cross -border activities are allowed according to designated zones except for districts under the MCO/PKP.

Division of District Zones:

  • Zone 1: Kota Kinabalu, Kota Belud, Ranau, Tuaran, Penampang, Putatan and Papar
  • Zone 2: Beaufort, Kuala Penyu and Sipitang
  • Zone 3: Kudat, Kota Marudu and Pitas
  • Zone 4: Sandakan, Beluran, Telupid, Kinabatangan and Tongod
  • Zone 5: Tawau, Semporna, Lahad Datu, Kunak and Kalabakan
  • Zone 6: Nabawan, Tambunan and Tenom. 

Cross-district movement is only allowed within the zone, and movement between zones is not allowed except with the permission of PDRM.

Activities allowed within the RMCO/PKPP area

Clinics, Government and private hospitals, and medical laboratories are allowed to operate on a 24-hour basis or in accordance with the operating license. At the same time, pharmacies and shops selling medicines can operate under license conditions.

Businesses, the economy and industry are allowed to operate as determined by the Government.

  • Supermarkets, shopping malls and retail stores are allowed to operate in accordance with the SOPs, operating hours are according to the license/permit approved by the ministry/agency/local authority.
  • Restaurants, shops/food stalls, food trucks, roadside hawkers, street hawkers, food courts/hawker centres, roadside food stalls/kiosks, grocery stores and convenience stores are also allowed to operate, at a timing based on licenses/permits approved by the ministry/agency/local authority, in compliance with the food sector's SOPs.
  • Restaurants and eateries are allowed to operate on a dine-in basis (with a one-metre distance between customers, according to table size), takeaway, delivery or drive-throughs in compliance with the food sector's SOPs. Hours of operation are subject to license conditions.
  • The operation of daily markets, wholesale markets, farmers; markets, night markets, and late night bazaars (uptown, downtown and the likes) will be in accordance with normal operating hours (subject to local authorities) in compliance with SOPs and the practice of new norms.
  • Ramadan bazaars are allowed to operate from 3.00pm to 8.00pm, in compliance with SOPs, and supervision of the authorities and RELA/PBT members. Aidilfitri bazaars are also allowed to operate from10.00am to midnight, in compliance with the Ramadan Bazaar and Aidilfitri Bazaar SOP.
  • Pumping operation hours at petrol stations are according to the license / permit approved by the ministry/agency/local authority, and the same applies for laundry operations.
  • Spas, reflexology, massage, and wellness activities including pedicure and manicure services are allowed, also from 6am am to midnight or according to the conditions of the local authority, whichever is earlier.
  • The operation of other businesses for daily needs are allowed at a time set according to the license/permit approved by the ministry/agency/local authority.

Safe-distancing measures and protocol

Licensees and premise owners must ensure control of customers' entry and exit to the premises with a physical distance of one metre.

Hand sanitisers must be provided at the entrance and used before entering.

Licensees and premise owners are required to provide the MySejahtera QR code facility and provide a customer attendance registration book. The use of the MySejahtera application is mandatory in areas with wide internet access. Exceptions are given for areas that do not have internet access, especially in rural and remote areas.

Licensees and premise owners must also ensure that customers check in using MySejahtera, or manually if is no internet coverage.

For shopping complexes/supermarkets/department stores, customers only need to perform a body temperature scan once at the entrance of the complex and not at every business premise under one complex. Customers with body temperatures above 37.5 degrees Celsius should not be allowed to enter the complex and premises.

Owners of complexes and premises outside the complex must ensure that only customers with the "Low Risk" status in MySejahtera, are allowed to enter their respective complexes/premises. 

Apart from the above, the SOPs also state the following:

  • Licensees and premises owners should limit the number of customers on the premises with a physical distance of one metre at a time, and display the maximum number of customers who are on the premises.
  • Employees, suppliers and customers are required to wear face masks properly in accordance with MOH recommendations while on the premises.
  • Ensure good ventilation and ventilation systems in the premises.
  • It is compulsory to wear a face mask especially when in crowded public places, except for the following activities and places:
    • One's own residence, alone and with household members;
    • Hotel rooms/paid accommodation, alone and involving members of the same household
    • Solitary work spaces;
    • Indoor and outdoor sports and recreational activities;
    • One's own vehicles, alone and with household members;
    • Indoor/outdoor public areas and places without other individuals; and
    • While eating and drinking in a public place without any other individuals.

Read the full set of RMCO SOPs here

Photo / 123RF

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