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In a perfect juxtaposition, the research was able to identify eight behaviours that made Google's best managers so successful. The exact opposite was true of what made a boss toxic in the workplace. The study also indicated those who exhibited these behaviours were often unaware that they were indeed toxic.
Answer yes to one or more of these and you could be a toxic boss, according to Google.
You find yourself frustrated when you have to coach an employee on a skill.
You feel you must double-check every employee's work.
You have no desire to know anything about your employees other than whether they're doing their job right.
You feel constantly behind and split in too many directions.
You'd rather stay in your office than converse with your team.
You feel your employees' career growth should be their concern, not yours.
You can't plan for the growth of the department because you can't imagine ever hitting your existing goals with your current team.
You hate that some of your staff have skills that force you to depend on them because you don't have those skills yourself.
ALSO READ: How to spot toxic employees
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