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Such employers must have adopted the progressive wage model, currently underway for five sectors, i.e. cleaning, security, landscape, lift and escalator, and retail.
As part of a whole-of-society effort to uplift lower-wage workers, Singapore's Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has officially launched the new Progressive Wage (PW) mark — an accreditation scheme that recognises companies which can use the mark to profile themselves as businesses that support better wages for lower-wage workers.
As such, consumers and service buyers are now better able to identify and support companies that pay progressive wages to their lower-wage workers.
The PW mark was launched by Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad at a visit to Uniqlo, a PW Mark-accredited company.
This scheme was first recommended by the Tripartite Workgroup on Lower-Wage Workers in August 2021, and is administered by the Singapore Business Federation on behalf of the tripartite partners.
All employers who hire at least one local worker covered by sectoral or occupational progressive wages are eligible to apply for the PW mark. Progressive wage models (PWM) are currently in effect across five sectors; cleaning, security, landscape, lift and escalator, and retail. To receive the PW mark accreditation, employers must:
- pay the relevant workers progressive wages; and
- pay all other local workers at least the local qualifying salary.
Additionally, employers who go one step further in adopting the Tripartite Standard on Advancing Well-being of Lower-Wage Workers (TS-LWW) will be accredited with the PW Mark Plus. The TS-LWW outlines progressive practices that provide better support for our lower-wage workers in workplace safety and health, training and career development, and rest area provision.
It should be noted that for new tenders called from 1 March 2023, eligible Government suppliers and their subcontractors will be required to be accredited with the PW mark for the duration of the contract period. This requirement will extend to procurement done via quotations from 1 March 2024.
Employers who wish to apply for the PW Mark can do so through GoBusiness. Upon approval of accreditation, employers will be able to download a digital certificate that can be used to profile their companies to consumers. As shared by MOM, about 1,900 companies have been accredited with the PW mark since applications opened in December 2022.
Going further, tripartite partners are progressively implementing the expansion of progressive wages to cover more lower-wage workers. From 1 March 2023, the Food Services Progressive Wage Model (PWM) and Occupational Progressive Wages for Administrators and Drivers will take effect. The Waste Management PWM will also be implemented from 1 July 2023.
According to MOM's statement, "we encourage employers to do their part by paying Progressive Wages and getting their companies accredited with the PW Mark. Consumers and service buyers can also contribute by supporting PW Mark-accredited companies."
Lead image / Shutterstock
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