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One initiative involved would equip employees with competencies that are in line with industry needs, so that when economic conditions gradually recover, the workforce can immediately fill industry needs.
On Wednesday (16 June 2021), Indonesia's Ministry of Manpower signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with four industry partners, in efforts to improve the quality of human resources in the country.
The industry partners involved are: Sumber Alfaria Tbk (Alfamart), Kubota Indonesia, Mobil Laku Indonesia (OLX Autos), and Fintek Karya Nusantara (LinkAja).
Speaking at the signing event yesterday, Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah said the improvement will be made through a collaboration model, between the Job Training Centre (BLK) and the business and industrial world.
One initiative under this will be vocational training at the BLK, which, according to Minister Ida, aims to equip employees with competencies that are in line with industry needs, so that when economic conditions gradually recover and job opportunities increase, the workforce can immediately fill industry needs.
"The Ministry of Manpower continues to implement the BLK transformation programme to improve the quality of vocational training as a flagship programme to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources," she said.
However, she continued, the success of this programme requires the support of all parties, one of which is the industry as a direct user of labour. "This industry is the party that best understands what competencies are needed in real terms in the field."
The existence of the industry as a partner could provide input on the skills needs in the industry, the shortage of skills for teaching staff or training instructors, the development of equipment used in industry, and even which soft skills are needed by the industry, she noted.
"For this reason, (the) industry needs to work hand-in-hand with training implementers in creating a link and match between training graduates and the needs of the industry."
What the signed MoUs entail
The MoU with Sumber Alfaria Tbk (Alfamart) is an extension of the cooperation that has been carried out since 2018, which is related to the implementation of competency-based training to prepare competent human resources in the retail sector.
Meanwhile, the MoU with Kubota Indonesia relates to cooperation in developing vocational training in the automotive diesel engine sector, which is a specialty of PT Kubota Indonesia.
The MoU with OLX Autos relates to the implementation of competition-based training and competency certification of HR in the automotive sector, especially for the preparation of HR as vehicle inspection officers.
Lastly, the MoU with Fintek Karya Nusantara (LinkAja) is a collaboration in the context of distributing incentive funds in the process and/or post-vocational training.
On these MoUs, Minister Ida shared: "I hope that this joint memorandum of understanding can be implemented properly and provide great benefits to Indonesian workers," adding that cooperation between the Ministry of Manpower and the industrial world is "very important because the development of HR competencies must involve all parties, including the industry as users of competent workforce."
"Through this synergy, it is hoped that BLK training graduates will meet industry needs and be more easily absorbed."
Photo / Ministry of Manpower Indonesia's website
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