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Meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) may resume for states in Phase Three, if they involve individuals who have been fully vaccinated, subject to certain conditions.
Per a recent update by Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Malaysia's Special Committee on Pandemic Management has agreed to transition certain states into the following phases of the National Rehabilitation Plan (NRP):
- Kelantan, Perak, Pulau Pinang, Sabah, and Kedah have transitioned to Phase Three.
- Melaka and Klang Valley have transitioned into Phase Four.
This is effective today (Monday, 18 October 2021), and following this, no states remain in Phase Two.
The Prime Minister noted that this transition into the respective phases will follow guidelines according to the NRP and the percentage of the fully-vaccinated adult population.
According to the Ministry of Health's daily report on the date of this update (Friday, 15 October 2021), the country has recorded below 10,000 COVID-19 cases per day for two consecutive weeks, the percentage of adults who have received their first dose of vaccine is 95%, while the percentage who have received two doses of vaccine is 91.2% and is expected to continue to increase.
In line with this, the following updates to the standard operating procedures are to be noted:
- Meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions may resume for states in Phase Three, involving individuals who have been fully vaccinated from October 18, 2021 with the following conditions:
- Perform COVID-19 screening test (pre-event test) through saliva test or RTK-Antigen method;
- Comply with social distancing;
- Wear face mask; and
- At 50% capacity of the venue space.
- The quarantine period for travellers and close contact cases have been shortened. For further details, click here.
- Rest and recreation stops on highways in permitted states have also been allowed to operate 24/7, effective 16 October 2021.
- Malaysia's taxi and e-hailing services have been allowed at full vehicle capacity from 16 October 2021.
- Cyber centre services and cyber cafes may operate at the following capacities from 17 October 2021:
- 80% capacity for states in Phase Three
- 100% capacity for states in Phase Four
- Pilgrimage has been allowed, effective October 18, 2021.
Apart from the above, PM Ismail Sabri also shared that a Test and Release (T&R) protocol has also been implemented effective18 October 2021, with strict and limited travel conditions or itineraries for official visits to the following groups of travellers:
- Heads of state;
- Ministers;
- Deputy ministers;
- Chief ministers;
- State Government excos;
- Members of Parliament; and
- Government officials
PM Ismail Sabri added that the programme will be extended to business travellers in the near future. Individuals undergoing this T&R protocol will have to abide by the following:
- Submit applications within the set together with supporting documents to the National Security Council and MOH for the purpose of approval;
- Undergo a PCR test three days before departure back to Malaysia; and
- Undergo a PCR test on arrival at any gateway to the country.
These conditions are limited to fully-vaccinated travellers arriving from low-risk countries only. Individuals are reminded to obey the SOPs, wear face masks, practise social distancing, and always maintain personal hygiene and safety.
- SOPs for Phase Four of Malaysia's National Recovery Plan (August 2021)
- SOPs for Phase Three of Malaysia's National Recovery Plan (August 2021)
Photo / PM Ismail Sabri's Facebook
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