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Winning Secrets: How DHL Supply Chain Indonesia harnesses the power of its employees

Winning Secrets: How DHL Supply Chain Indonesia harnesses the power of its employees

"We ensure to not merely acquire talent based on current requirements, but also for future purposes in terms of digitalisation, IT, automation and advanced AI," says Andika Bayupati, Human Resources Director, DHL Supply Chain Indonesia.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many disruptions that force organisations to shift their needs. In response to uncertain times, organisations must reevaluate how to foster talent and build organisational resilience. Maintaining productivity and performance has become a challenge in many organisations.

DHL Supply Chain (DSC) Indonesia has demonstrated successful implementation of HR strategies through quickly helping employees adapt towards this futuristic standard of working. People's engagement is “stronger than before facing the pandemic”. DSC Indonesia strives and thrives as they emerge in HR Excellence Awards 2020 Indonesia, holding silver for Excellence in Talent Acquisition and bronze for Excellence in Corporate Wellness.

Resilient and agile, DSC Indonesia is beyond ambitious to push the boundaries of achieving more milestones, especially in maximising the bar for talent acquisition for the future. Here is a chat with Andika Bayupati, Human Resources Director, DHL Supply Chain Indonesia.

Q How would you describe your overall HR strategy, and what are some key milestones you’ve accomplished thus far?

For the next four years, our HR strategy is to harness the power of DSC Indonesia’s employees. In doing so, we continue to recruit, onboard and develop our best people through digitalisation solutions.

We create DSC Indonesia as a world class workplace by investing in leadership and culture to continue fostering people development maximally, as well as by assuring a growth-focused and inclusive organisation.

There are three key milestones that we have successfully accomplished as a team. First, we had a more structured and continuous development programme for our leaders and front liners. Through it, the second milestone was met as we were able to improve our end-to-end employee experience through people and culture initiatives and digitalisation. Thirdly, we continued to strive in measuring our organisational climate through Great Place To Work initiatives.

Q What role has your leadership team played in supporting your HR priorities? How does your HR team collaborate closely with senior management to achieve business goals?

Firstly, it is essential that HR strategies and agendas are owned by everyone in the organisation. Thereby, the senior leadership team must drive and grow the people and culture programme since it is the primary drive of our business. Consequently, they are the ones who own the programme for people under their supervision. We also have our HR People Operations Team; the HRBP and HR Site with their main role of executing and ensuring that all HR programmes are running smooth in all department and operations.

Secondly, as equally important as the first point, our HR Center of Excellence team is certainly always present to facilitate all senior management teams and to align their needs in navigating our programmes, especially on talent management and sourcing, compensation and benefits, HR analytics, and people and culture initiatives.

Q The pandemic has caused many business plans to be upended. What was the greatest challenge you faced this year and how did you manage to pivot your HR model/framework?

This year marked the most eventful year in history and it has resulted in unprecedented challenges across the organisation. During the pandemic, the major challenge is adaptation and adjustment to new working environments while consequently striving to improve our processes to ensure the operations can run, even with higher capacity and capabilities. Hence, ensuring the health and safety of our employees was our top priority and it still continues to this day.

On top of that, we gave endless support by showing compassion to employees and being present if things went wrong. Subsequently, we reviewed and rejuvenated our process to keep up with new ways and standards of working.

This resulted in a thriving work environment because we came out stronger than before facing the pandemic. It is in fact, reflected in our company engagement and financial performance.

Q What was your game plan for measuring ROI in talent acquisition? What are some proud achievements you can share with us on this front?

We ensure the recruitment initiatives are made to solely acquire great talent. With great talent, profitable investment results will eventually come. The investment on great talent brings many positive influences in an organisation. Through it, they continue to improve and sharpen our organisation that has stood as a leader in logistics provider industry for 15 years. That time period demonstrates that even former talent can bring impact to our growth. For instance, they eventually become close customers, business partners, and suppliers. The level of trustworthiness of DSC Indonesia is also thanks to the alumni.

Q What are the biggest business drivers or game changers that have pushed you to constantly come up with new ideas and raise the bar for talent acquisition?

What keeps us awake at night is securing our future so that our talent is ready for the future environment for the next 10 years.

Logistics industry trends and recent technological advancements force the company to shift the talent qualifications. It also brings an impact on how we approach and attract talent to join the company. This evolution constantly drives us towards new ideas in talent acquisition. We ensure to not merely acquire talent based on current requirements, but also for future purposes in terms of digitalisation, IT, automation and advanced AI.

Photo / Provided 

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