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MOM added that there are no plans on its end to review the annual leave entitlements for now.
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has encouraged more employers in Singapore to review their employment benefits to better attract and retain talent amidst the tight labour market.
Whilst doing so, the Ministry has pointed out that this is not a decision to be taken lightly for organisations, as various factors are taken into account, such as employees' needs for balancing work-life, and the impact on business costs.
This comes in response to a Parliamentary query to MOM on
- when MOM will review the minimum annual leave entitlement of seven days provided for eligible workers under the Employment Act 1968; and
- what factors will the Ministry consider in determining whether the minimum number of annual leave days should be increased.
Sharing on this, Senior Minister of State for Manpower Dr Koh Poh Koon commented that while the Employment Act stipulates a minimum entitlement of seven days of annual leave, this annually increases by one day per year of service with the employer.
"In 2022, over 90% of full-time resident employees aged 25 to 64 had more than seven days of annual leave.
"In addition, 64.6% of full-time resident employees aged 25 to 64 had 15 days or more of annual leave, higher than the 61.1% in 2018," MOM commented.
Over and above this, MOM addressed that there are no plans to review the annual leave entitlements for now, especially since the parental leave entitlements were recently enhanced (referring to the increase in Government-Paid Paternity Leave or GPPL effective 1 January 2024).
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