TAFEP Hero 2024 Sep
Winning Secrets: Continental Tyre's employee engagement strategy covers all elements of the employee’s life cycle

Winning Secrets: Continental Tyre's employee engagement strategy covers all elements of the employee’s life cycle

Starting with the content of the job to the company’s culture, it encompasses each touch point the employee has, says Marcela Guel, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding MY Tyre.

Continental Tyre ranks among the top five automotive suppliers worldwide, with divisions specialising in brake systems; instrumentation; systems and components for chassis; vehicle electronics; infotainment solutions; and technical elastomers. 

At the third annual edition of Employee Experience Awards - Malaysia in 2023, Continental Tyre won a range of awards, including gold for 'Best First-Time Manager Programme', silver for 'Best Executive Coaching Programme', and bronze for 'Best Holistic Leadership Development Strategy'.

To celebrate this milestone, we catch up with Marcela Guel, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding MY Tyre, Continental Tyre on the emloyee experience strategy that includes total rewards, life balance, people interaction, and systems & tools.

Q How do you ensure your employee experience initiatives are aligned with your business objectives?

Tire business is people business. At Continental, we understand that the wellbeing of our employees is integral to our business strategy. Our approach goes beyond mere initiatives and technology tools; we are committed to ensuring that our employees are fully engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their work environment. We strive to foster a culture that encourages learning, growth, and development.

Every employee experience we offer is in line with our fundamental principles: our basics, encompassing our values and expected behaviours. These values shape our culture and are the key to our success in aligning our business goals with the experiences of our employees. 

Q Can you provide examples of how the organisation has invested in the employee experience?

At Continental, we hold an employee engagement strategy from a holistic perspective, covering various elements of the employee’s life cycle in the organisation. Starting with the content of the job to the company’s culture, it encompasses each touch point an employee has in day-to-day work experience. Total rewards, life balance, people interaction, and systems & tools, are part of this strategy.

Another important element that we strive to support is the career journey of our employees by providing them with a range of opportunities and training programmes. These include on-the-job training, coaching and mentoring programs, as well as various learning platforms. We also prioritise continuous learning by offering open sharing sessions, fostering learning communities, and implementing a comprehensive leadership programme for our leaders to upskill at every stage of their careers.

To ensure that employees receive timely and constructive feedback, we have established a robust talent management and performance cycle.

Another example where we have invested our efforts is the improvement of working conditions by revamping our working spaces and R&D center, embracing a more sustainable and contemporary concept. By doing so, we aim to create a better workplace experience for all our employees. 

Q What are some of the key challenges that you faced in implementing your EX initiatives, and how did you overcome them?

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the expectations and priorities of employees have changed. On the other hand, the business environment became more uncertain and competitive than ever before. When thinking about implementing new strategies that adapt to these new conditions, we highlight two factors that we consider key to our success. Our strong organisational culture based on our values and the support and ownership from our managerial team for HR-related topics. 

Q Do you have processes to measure the effectiveness of your EX initiatives, and what metrics do you use to evaluate success?

At Continental, one of the most effective methods for evaluating our progress involves consistently soliciting input from our employees. Our feedback landscape comprises a range of tools that allow us to gather ongoing feedback at various levels.

One such tool is 'Our Basics Live', which enables us to gauge the most critical factors impacting the employee experience. Each year, our management team thoroughly examines the survey results and collaboratively establishes targeted initiatives aimed at enhancing these outcomes.

Additionally, we offer 'Our Teams Live', a survey specifically tailored to address team-specific concerns, as well as 'My Radar Live', a comprehensive 360-degree feedback tool designed to support managers in their ongoing efforts to refine their leadership approach.

Q Finally, what role do leaders and managers play in driving a beautiful employee experience, and how are they held accountable for the success of these initiatives?

To ensure the effective execution of our initiatives, our management team assumes individual responsibility for overseeing all employee activities. They ensure these actions are in line with the current business strategy while actively working to empower and motivate their teams daily.

At Continental, our leaders demonstrate the principle of 'walking the talk', where our employee experience initiatives are a steadfast commitment. Through leading by example and taking ownership, we foster a positive, dynamic, and continually improving employee experience.

Read more interviews on why organisations have won trophies for their HR practices - head over to our Winning Secrets' section!

Lead photo / Continental AG

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