TAFEP Hero 2024 Sep
Winning Secrets: How Gamuda Berhad Singapore Branch successfully addressed long-standing biases to foster DEI

Winning Secrets: How Gamuda Berhad Singapore Branch successfully addressed long-standing biases to foster DEI

Lim Yi Jia, HR Executive, Gamuda Berhad Singapore Branch, on fostering a culture of openness to change.

Gamuda Berhad Singapore Branch was established in November 2016 as part of the Group's regional strategy to expand its engineering and construction business. 

The 11th edition of the HR Excellence Awards, Singapore (2023) saw Gamuda Berhad Singapore Branch winning the bronze award for 'Excellence in Women Empowerment Strategy'.

On this milestone, HRO catches up with Lim Yi Jia, HR Executive, Gamuda Berhad Singapore Branch, on fostering a culture of openness to change, especially within an industry often perceived as male-dominated.

Q Congratulations on your top performance at the HR Excellence Awards! How has your HR and people strategy contributed to your success this year?

Our strategy is meticulously designed to empower women in this traditionally male-dominated industry, addressing biases and effectively breaking down the barriers that have historically hindered their progress.

Through a comprehensive approach that promotes gender equality, fosters an inclusive and supportive work culture, and establishes clear paths for career advancement, we have attracted top-tier talent and cultivated an environment where all employees can thrive.

Our data-driven strategy is evident in the growing representation of women in the workforce. In 2022, the female representative within our workforce stood at 36%, while data for women at the Board level was 43%. We are proud to acknowledge that the trend has been continuing upwards, with our financial year ending on July 2023, our female workforce now is at 38%, while women at the Board level has seen a significant increase to 57%.

There are also increased rates of female promotions, and the full integration of female colleagues in all activities, which unmistakably underscores our resolute dedication to empowering women and eradicating longstanding barriers within our organisation, significantly contributing to our achievements.

Q Looking back at your achievements, what aspect of your HR initiatives are you most proud of and why?

Reflecting on our accomplishments, we take immense pride in the transformation we have ignited through our HR initiatives, particularly in fostering a culture of gender equality and women's empowerment.

The tangible outcomes which stand as a testament to our commitment include:

  • Increased representation of women in leadership roles as we continue to encourage and empower women to lead various areas of our operations.
  • Equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender. In FY2023, we conducted an internal study across our operations to assess any potential gender pay gaps and to enhance existing measures if necessary. Although the findings determined that there are no significant disparities in pay at Gamuda, we are currently reviewing the findings to determine if further actions are needed to enhance our employee remuneration system, further narrowing the gender pay gap.
  • Thriving female talent within our organisation with the support from Gamuda Women Empowerment Network (GWEN), a network prioritising their career advancement. Within GWEN, we actively foster a culture of female empowerment, raising awareness, and motivating women to pursue top-tier positions within our organisation.

However, what truly resonates is the profound impact on our workforce's morale, where every employee, regardless of gender, feels valued, supported, and empowered.

Female employees, in particular, have earned both respect and recognition, making significant contributions to our accomplishments. This inclusivity has not only enhanced our workplace but has been instrumental in our overall success.

Q During your HR journey, what were some significant obstacles you faced, and how did you overcome them to achieve excellence?

Implementing new initiatives is not easy. One significant obstacle was successfully addressing long-standing biases and fostering a culture of openness to change, especially within an industry often perceived as male-dominated. This was facilitated by the Group’s strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) for all.

We encouraged open dialogue, garnered resolute support from our stakeholders and management, sought feedback, and actively involved our teams in the strategy's evolution.

By showcasing data-driven success and fostering a culture of inclusion, we gradually broke down these barriers.

Embracing DEI was also made possible with the support of our male colleagues as we would not have been able to move the needle by just working in silos. For example, their participation in the Group’s digital campaign for International Women’s Day 2023 showed solidarity in promoting DEI across the group.

Q How does your organisation measure the success and impact of your HR initiatives?

We measure the success and impact of our HR initiatives through a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics.

Quantitatively, we track key performance indicators such as increased female representation in leadership positions, the number of female promotions, and the gender pay gap reduction. These metrics provide tangible evidence of progress.

Qualitatively, external recognition, awards, and industry acknowledgments further validate our impact.

By combining both quantitative and qualitative measures, we ensure a comprehensive understanding of our HR initiatives' success and their tangible benefits to our organisation and its people.

Q In what direction do you see the HR/people function evolving in the future, considering the emerging trends?

In the coming years, we anticipate an increased emphasis on digital transformation, incorporating AI, and automation to enhance HR efficiency.

The significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in creating fair and welcoming workplaces will continue to grow.

Remote work and flexible work arrangements will remain, necessitating HR's adjustment to a hybrid work model.

Prioritising employee wellbeing, mental health assistance, and fostering learning and development opportunities will be central. As a result, HR is expected to evolve into a more technology-driven, people-focused, and data-informed function.

Read more interviews on why organisations have won trophies for their HR practices - head over to our Winning Secrets' section!

Lead image / Provided by Gamuda Singapore

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